Museum Voices

Voices from the Second Session of the C.E.A. Museums Cooperation Initiative 4th Dialogue

Jun 5, 2024

The second session of the C.E.A. Museums Cooperation Initiative 4th Dialogue fostered a stimulating discussion on the role of museums as educational platforms among seven experts and leaders from diverse fields, including museums, education and music. They emphasized that beyond museums' influence on the development of artists, museums can serve a broader educational purpose for society as a whole. With the advent of new technologies, museums must adapt in order to maintain their appeal and relevance.




Marco Biscione, President of the Scientific Board of the Museum of Cultures, Lugano, Switzerland

As all of us know, Museums are not only places for conservation and exhibition. Museums represent the shared values of a community, they play an important role in fostering creativity, they are lively centers for scientific researches and above all, museums play an extraordinarily important role in education, education of new generation, education of communities, in the lifelong learning of people, and education to the intercultural dialogue.




Xinxin Song, Deputy Director of Huamao Museum of Art Education

Why create a museum themed around art education? We deeply believe that collections serve educational purposes, and museums are built to cultivate individuals. Collections form the core of a museum, and exhibitions and research act as mere means to achieve the ultimate goal: public education. This educational mandate extends beyond the confines of traditional public education activities; it should encompass a broader approach that permeates every facet of the museum's operations.




Scott MacEachern, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Duke Kunshan University, Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology

Regardless, museums must adhere to their material foundation. Even with the establishment of digital museums, destroyed buildings and cultural heritage can never be fully restored. Therefore, we must continue to strengthen the infrastructure of museums and emphasize the material connection between museums and the real world.




Pengfei Du, Executive Deputy Director of Tsinghua University Art Museum

The education we refer to encompasses three levels: professional education, general education, and public education. Tsinghua University has excellent art and design schools, which represent our professional education. We have over 40,000 students and faculty members, who are the target of our general education. Additionally, we are open to the entire society, receiving nearly 800,000 members of the public annually, which constitutes our public education.




Bart Ouvry, Director of the AfricaMuseum, Belgium

There are many opportunities, there is artificial Intelligence. But I still believe that people want some authenticity. It's important for them to see the real thing, to see objects and to admire the beauty and also the inventivity and the whole culture, which is behind that.




Juan M. Gabarron, Director and CEO of the Gabarron Foundation Asia

Art has the power to heal and inspire. Our team has undertaken design projects that scientifically validate the Gobelins method through collaboration, using digital means to stimulate everyone's creativity. We can extract brain activity at different wavelengths and monitor changes in the brain after using creativity tools, demonstrating that art can significantly enhance areas associated with innovation.




Julia Sanchez Abeal, CEO of Reina Sofia School of Music

We produce more than 300 concerts a year, and all of them are for free or for a symbolic price. We do that for didactical reasons the stage is the place where a young musician can really mature as an artist, but also because we believe that music, as well as the arts in general, is an enriching experience for individuals and a strong cohesive factor for society.